Monday, August 4, 2008

Frozen T-shirt Contest

I just took my boys to a birthday party and they played a fun summer game. The host had taken several adult-size t-shirts, wet them down and folded them neatly, then put them in separate ziploc bags. Then she froze them. She handed one bag out to each child and instructed them to remove the t-shirt, unfold it, and put it on over their clothes. The first one to accomplish this was the winner. The kids had a lot of fun. It took a few minutes, because the frozen t-shirts were hard to unfold. I thought it was a pretty cool activity for a hot summer day. : )

1 comment:

Jenn said...

My daughters birthday is sneaking up on me. I may have to borrow this idea. I think it would be funny to watch. And so fun for the kids.